PAHO aims to reduce premature death significantly by the year 2025

By on October 7, 2013

The Honorable the Minister of Health Mr. Pablo Marin is back in Belize after representing the country at a PAHO meeting in Washington D.C. 

The 52nd Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization met last week to discuss and agree a plan of action aimed at reducing premature deaths due to non-communicable diseases by 25% in the coming decade. 

The official statement lists cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory disease among the leading NCDs and has been found to be related to a common set of risk factors. 

According to a government press release, the agreed plan of action is based on health officials will endeavor to “expand provide universal access to health services … reduce tobacco intake by 30%, promoting healthy diets to reduce the impact on children, and improve the surveillance of risk factors among others for NCDs.”

The government statement says that member countries of PAHO pledged “to give priority to NCDs in their health development agendas to implement and achieve the plan’s goals.” 

PAHO meanwhile, has pledged to provide technical cooperation to countries to help strengthen and monitor the progress to achieve the plan’s goals. 

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