Special Envoy speaks out against Amandala newspaper article

By on October 22, 2013

The Special Envoy for Women and Children, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow, has taken aim at the substance of an article publishes in the October 20 edition of the Amandala newspaper. 

In a statement issued this morning, Mrs. Barrow expressed “very grave concern” about the article which appeared under the heading “Bake it Again” with the byline Colin BH. 

According to the Special Envoy “the statements made in this article advance a culture of rape and sexual violence against women and girls. It seeks to blame the victim while providing excuses for the perpetrator. The fact is that rape is not about sex, but about power and control. Rape is rape; it is NEVER excusable and it certainly NEVER is the victim’s fault!” 

Mrs. Barrow asserts that the media plays an important role in helping to spread a message to prevent this type of violence and assist in creating a protective and supportive environment for rape survivors. 

“It is disappointing that the Amandala has chosen to do otherwise,” said the Special Envoy’s statement.  

It ends by saying that “the statements made by Colin BH are an affront to all women and girls and completely trivializes the trauma that survivors of sexual violence are forced to endure.”

Mrs. Barrow says she hopes that the Belizean public and women in particular “will stand with me in condemning this very disturbing article.”

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